Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mixed Feelings

Although I disagreed with him on nearly every public policy issue and think he benefited from treatment/forgiveness that would never have given to a Republican, I was a little bit sad to hear that Ted Kennedy had passed. I genuinely think he had the best interests of people at heart. Politics Daily had a well-written post by Alex Wagner about a touching experience her family had with Sen. Kennedy. Her father had worked on his presidential campaign, and a few years later her mother went through terrifying surgery for a tumor in her throat. Kennedy called the hospital several times to help ensure she was getting the best care, which was quite a decent thing to do and beyond what one would expect him to do for the spouse of a former campaign aide. It also highlights exactly what I and a lot of other people who aren't closet Nazis fear about government involvement in health care. When my mom gets sick, will she get the same care under a heavily government influenced system as the mother of someone who worked on a presidential campaign? I fear not.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Probation Period

Wow! The stock market indices have fallen to the same point they were at when I was in law school 12 years ago. Trillions of dollars of wealth have been destroyed (including about half of the money my wife and I have been saving for retirement) since late last summer when it became clear that a socialist might become president of the United States. Now that a socialist is president, the pace of destruction has accelerated.

Most jobs I've held have had a 30- or 90-day probation period. The understanding has been that if you really are a bad fit, you and your employer will amicably part ways at the end of the period. Of course, the American presidency comes with a 4-year probation period, but I think it's time for us to consider whether we ought to begin to apply political pressure for Obama to step aside. He has shown he is not a good fit to be president, and it's time for Mr. Obama and the country to amicably part ways.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Best Wishes?

There seems to be a split among conservative and libertarian writers as to whether they want Obama to succeed (with many of them publicly saying they do). I think it's a more nuanced issue -- I wish him success in protecting the nation's security, winning the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, ending the recession and protecting people from violent and financial crimes that cross state borders. I want him to fail on every other public policy issue.

JMK was wrong

This is the best explanation I've seen as to why Obama's apparent Keynesian assumptions about government spending as economic stimulus are wrong.

Moran Acting Boorishly (as usual)

My Congressman, Jim Moran, once again shows he is a thug.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugural Address

I thought Obama's inaugural address was OK but not quite as good as I expected. I don't like his politics, but there is no doubt -- the man can give a good speech; so I expected something better. The media wing of the Democratic party are always fawning over JFK's inaugural address, but if you want to hear a really good one, check this out:

The Inauguration

I worked from home today, having long ago conceded that I would not be able to make it to my office and back home given all of the road closings for the inauguration. I stopped working long enough to watch the (botched) swearing-in ceremony and Obama's inaugural address. I don't share the politics of many of the folks who stood in the cold to see the inauguration, but I was touched by the scenes of older African-Americans who never thought they would see a black president. We really do live in a great country.

Thank you

George Bush and Dick Cheney have with nearly unbelievable grace accepted more harsh criticism than any one else I can recall. Although I haven't always agreed with them, I am most thankful that they managed to keep us safe for seven years straight. In fact, they did such a good job that today's inauguration ceremony -- most certainly the biggest, ripest target for a terrorist attack in modern American history went off without even a credible threat, much less a real attack. I was working in DC on September 11 and remember seeing the smoke rising from the Pentagon as I watched through a conference room window. I would not have believed that we would be protected from another attack for so long.